Shop Local 541 Businesses and Services
Click the links below to find information about Locally Owned Businesses And Services that offer Great Deals and Special Offers that also Support Doing Good in Our Local Community!
Featured Businesses and Local Business Directory
Where you'll find Business Information, Special Offers and Coupons
Shop Local 541 Featured Businesses
FEATURED BUSINESSES are companies that have recently donated goods or services that can be found in our Current Deals or Have Donated Generously in the past.
We thank these Good Business Citizens for helping to Take Care of the Local 541 Community!
Alpine Tree Service
Full range of services, at competitive pricing
Our Services
Tree trimming with debris removal
Tree removal
Stump grinding
Pruning of flowering and fruit trees
Hedge trimming, and more
Storm Cleanup
Hedge Trimming
A job well done, with a personal touch — that’s our commitment to you.
For More Information, as well as Special Offers
Coming Soon...
Save $250 On Your Next Service!
Beaudet Jewlery
Quality That Endures
Imagine a jewelry store that feels comfortable selling a 7ct. diamond and on the same day fixing a special plastic necklace for a special little girl. When Charles and Georgiann started their business over 40 years ago, they brought with them a tradition of respect for customers and their jewelry. This respect isn't predicated by the market value of the jewelry but the value of the jewelry to our customer.
For More Information, as well as Special Offers
Special Thanks for Beaudet's Generous Donation to the
Southtowne Rotary Raffle!
SHOPLOCAL541.COM Local Business Directory
PRODUCTS and SERVICES - Eugene/Springfield
Beaudet Jewelry - Eugene's premier local jeweler and award winning designer for almost 50 years!
Shady Grove Direct MD - Dr. Kimberly Cronin offers Direct Primary Care, a new model for improved personal medical care!
Alpine Tree Service - Tree removal, Stump Grinding, Pruning, Planting, Storm Cleanup FIVE STAR YELP REVIEW