Donate Goods & Services
Own a Business? If you Donate Goods or Services for Sale on
totaling $250 or more in value, you will get a Business Listing as a Premium Advertiser, as well as a full year listing in our Shop Local Business Directory.
You receive a full year listing, plus the benefit of social media promotion, which builds top of mind awareness for your business, drives traffic to your door, and increases SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for Google and other Search Engines.
You will also be given special discounts on expanded marketing services, including social marketing ad design and management, audio/video production and other forms of direct marketing.
Click Link Below to See a Business Listing
How Can My Business Get Listed on
It's simple! We will create a Business Landing Page for your business, and then promote your business on social media sites, targeting your primary geographic and demographic audience.
A minimum of $250 (larger donations of goods and services are certainly welcome) which will be sold at a 20%-25% discount to the public. ALL FUNDS from this sale are donated directly to Eugene Southtowne Rotary or Local Rotary Clubs in your area, for their work to help support local families in need.
$250 activation/production fee (can be billed across 4 months) to pay for online marketing expenses, hosting, and landing page/promotional video production.
This gives your business 6 full months of service (with a bonus 6 months for the first 50 businesses to sign up). ​
A listing on
Supports Local Businesses to Help Fuel the Local Economy ~ Offers Great Deals and Discounts on Items and Services Donated By Local 541 Businesses ~ Supports Local Families in Need Through Work by Local Rotary Clubs
Need a Web Site? Need Help with Social Media Marketing or Traditional Advertising Services? AccessNTR (the administrator of this site) provides a wide range of multimedia production, media placement, and social media marketing strategies. As a Bonus...Any Business that Donates Goods, Services, and Certificates to, Receive A Credit/Discount Equal to Donation on ancillary services from web design to multimedia production and social media management.
For Information, Contact Patric Miller at 541-912-3975 or email us at